miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2018

You're Gifted!...Act on it!

I want you to take a quick second to take a little journey with me…

Let’s imagine for a second your life is going to stay the same. 

You’ll make the same amount of money.

You’ll have the same relationships. 

Most of all, you’ll have the same money problems.

And they won’t EVER go away. 

You’ll always struggle never having enough money, getting in trouble with debt, and constantly worrying about how to get your next dollar. 

I want you to vividly picture what that would look like.

How would you feel?

What would see when you look in the mirror?

What would your friends and family think of you?

I know it may be painful to think about…but it’s important to understand there is a cost of doing NOTHING. 

I’m not trying to be harsh or make you feel bad. I just know that sometimes the best way to improve your life is to realize you want more. 

If you don’t decide to take action and make a change then how can you expect things to improve?

The scary thing is that scenario is more realistic than you may realize.

Just think, how long have you suffered from not making the income you want to make?

“If you keep doing what you’ve been doing for the past year, 2 years, or 5 years and nothing has changed…then how can you expect the next few years to be any different.”

So do something about it. Take control. Make a change. 

Don’t get stuck in your current patterns. Take action. 

Most people view paying for a solution as a cost, yet they rarely realize there is also a cost to doing nothing. 

But you’re not most people. You’re different and willing to grow and improve. Act on it.


Charlie "Chay" Montalvo

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